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Lowdown On The Latte Levy & Why We Can't Recycle Coffee Cups
In 2017 over 2.5 billion plastic takeaway coffee cups were sent to landfill. The issue with traditional single-use coffee cups is that they cannot be recycled. The reason for this is that traditional single-use coffee cups are made from cardboard with a polyethylene liner which is difficult to remove. Another problematic issue with traditional coffee cups is that once the cup is used, it has been contaminated with food.
Plastic Free July - Giving Up Single Use Plastics
Plastic Free July is an excellent movement which has encouraged over a million people worldwide to refuse single-use plastics throughout July.
Consumers are increasingly concerned about plastic ending up in landfill and polluting the oceans - Plastic Free July gives consumers the opportunity to really take action against plastic.
If you've been thinking about switching to eco-friendly food packaging, Plastic Free July is an excellent opportunity to make the switch.
Plastic In The Ocean & What You Can Do
Compostable alternatives already exist for many items that are commonly associated with single use plastics.
At Green Man Packaging we offer a range of compostable solutions for the food packaging industry including cutlery, tableware, takeaway food containers, sandwich packaging, hot cups, cold cups, straws and napkins.
Biodegradable Vs. Compostable - What You Need To Look Out For
Within the industry of eco-friendly packaging there is an abundance of complex information which can be confusing for business owners.
In regards to food packaging, we’d like to highlight some key differences that can often affect the real benefit to the environment that the product can have.
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