Shocking New Report Reveal Plastic Poses Distinct Risks To Human Health At Every Stage of Its Lifecycle

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Shocking New Report Reveal Plastic Poses Distinct Risks To Human Health At Every Stage of Its Lifecycle

A new report "Plastic & Health: The Hidden Costs of a Plastic Planet" by CIEL (Centre for International Environmental Law) has outlined the importance of a lifecycle approach to assess the full impact of plastic on human health.

The study outlined the risks associated with exposure to plastic particles and associated chemicals. It outlined how the majority of people worldwide are exposed to these at multiple stages of the lifecycle of plastic including;

  • Extraction and transport of fossil fuels for plastic
  • Refining and production of plastic resins and additives
  • Consumer products and packaging
  • Toxic releases from plastic waste management
  • Fragmenting and Microplastics
  • Cascading exposure are plastic degrades
  • Ongoing environmental exposures

At each of these stages, the devastating impacts on human health has been documented. Exposure to the processing, use of and disposal of plastic has been linked to a multitude of health problems such as cancer, reproductive problems, developmental problems, impairment of the immune system and more.

The report also outlined a list of uncertainties and knowledge gaps which undermine the full evaluation of health impacts. These include;

  • Hidden risks due to the lack of transparency of the chemicals used in most chemicals, as well as its production processes
  • Risk assessment processes fail to evaluate the the health effects of cumulative exposure to the thousands of chemicals used in consumer goods such as food packaging
  • Plastic in the food chain
  • Microfibers and plastic Microparticles found in human tissue

Mounting evidence suggests that plastic is a much bigger issue than what we can see on the surface. Plastic at every stage is a threat to our health, our environment and our planet.

We must ditch plastic for good. Start today by saying no to single-use plastic.

Make the switch to compostable packaging that's made from annually renewable plant materials.

For more information and free samples, get in touch.

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